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Download it! A New Year...

We learned from our entourage of therapists (feels like that some days) that one great tool for dealing with anything in life, a daily ritual that relieves anxiety and helps to heal, is "downloading". It's just a simple term that refers to just pouring out your thoughts, feelings, observations, anything of the day that occurred. It's much like that of downloading a computer program; it needs time to run its course and process all the information. If we take time for this each day, just 5 minutes or so, we can move out all things swirling in our minds and by writing them out, in a way we are purging everything, to then look at from a distance and ask questions with some detachment.

Writing has helped me tremendously. When I do download I don't judge myself or my words, I put on my headphones and let it ride. It has been sometime since I have made an entry in this blog, but I make a point to write every day. My husband and I are working slowly on a book together that we hope with collaboration will be another tool out there for both men and women to deal with infant and child loss. Ultimately, it has been very cathartic for both of us.

What I do want to share most importantly, is that, today, was a big day in my little world: I met my brand new nephew today and he's wonderful! He's only a few days old but I am an auntie and I could not be more proud of that! The image is of me holding him next to my brother. Out of respect for them, I cropped it to be considerate. It is so neat to see how much love my brother and his wife have for him; I can feel that love because I feel that same love everyday for all of my babies; unconditional love.

It is now 2017 and I have great hope, appreciation, faith, love and wonderment for this year. I wish the same for you!

Thank you @indi_scarlett for the wonderful poems and quotes

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