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Blood Transfusions and your Qi

Ok, bear with me.

After I delivered the twins, and after the surgery to stop the bleeding, the doctor then determined that my blood count was too low and "bad" that I need to have not one, but two blood transfusions. I was having my blood drawn every hour or so to monitor. I was not leaving the hospital until I had some good numbers.

Thank goodness for my dear friend who is a nurse, because amongst the drug, grief and loss of blood induced state I was in, I had no idea how bad of shape I was in, she was a wonderful support.

I received a regular transfusion and then a very unique one, that seemed to glow, called a Plasma transfusion. Plasma is the liquid part of the body’s blood. It contains important proteins and other substances crucial to one’s overall health. Plasma transfusions are used for patients with liver failure, severe infections, and serious burns. Turns out I had a severe blood infection.

Fast forward (actually, time moves like molasses after loss) to my return to my acupuncturist this month where I am seeking her help once more. She has educated me that because of my blood transfusions, my Qi was probably pretty off. Basically, my pulse was off and my body is all wacked out. It kind of makes sense, it was not even my own blood on my own body anymore. This also attributes to the PTSD like symptoms of anxiety, panic, lack of sleep, etc. that I experience. I need all the help I can get.

I do not pretend to understand a damn thing about Qi or acupuncture, it is an area I just put total trust into. However, I do know it has helped me in tremendous ways. I have been pretty open about using acupuncture and Chinese herbs to help my fertility struggles, but truthfully, I think it's my mind and Qi that has benefited the most. I will continue to go and press on.

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