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Memory - Boy or girl?

Today marks 8 weeks since I delivered my twins boys, Jude and Quinton, stillborn. This image was from Mother's Day this past May when we only knew we were having one, healthy baby. Mother's Day seemed the perfect opportunity to share the gender of this baby we wanted so badly. I recall how excited I felt that I had this cake specially made for our family. We cut into the cake in anticipation, I already knew the baby was a boy, but I was still equally enthralled with the moment. When we cut into the cake, the blue candies spilled out on the table. We all cheered; my mom screamed! My grandma, grandpa, in-laws, aunt, uncle, even cousins were on Facetime to join us in the reveal. I cried with joy. It had been over 2 years to get to this point and I wanted to revel in that love.

My son loved the candy and seemed to be happy about finally becoming a big brother. The tables surrounding us also joined in on the congrats; the happiness was palpable. I'm so glad I have this day to remember that joy is possible even in grief.

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