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Memory - A pregnant hike- baby name chosen - no clue of twins

This is a photo from my Instagram page. My husband and I went on a hike this day. I was so excited to get out of the city for a bit and into nature. Work had been stressful and I had been feeling pretty off from being pregnant. We hiked along this ridge and it was so beautiful. We stopped in a meadow and laughed about how out of breath I was. I was about 14 weeks pregnant and I had been so so sick almost every day. I thought the sickness was normal for a second pregnancy. I was clueless that the constant nausea, disiness and fatigue were because my body was actually preparing for two babies, not one.

You see, I have always wanted to be a mommy, I wanted to raise multiple children. I am teacher for crying out loud- I freakin' love kids. But it took us so long to get pregnant with our second baby. I had had surgery just the summer prior to remove the endometriosis that plagued me and seemed to impede us from conceiving another kiddo.

Up in the mountains, I finally felt good and free of nausea. It was fun to hike along and throw out baby names, many of which we laughed at. But my husband kept throwing out ideas. "Quinton" he said as we turned a corner. I stopped. I loved it. It fit. I had also liked the name "Jude" from the song, "Hey Jude". At that moment we decided that we would keep both names, Jude and Quinton as our top choices for our baby boy. Little did we know at that time that our baby boy was actually our twin boys, and Jude and Quinton stayed on the list as our top 2 choices for a reason.

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