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Grief is a sneaky bitch.

My husband came home this week and told me that while working, his colleague announced in front of him and his other colleagues that she was pregnant. He said he felt like he was kicked in the gut. "I guess life goes on, huh?" he said to me. "I guess it does." Grief is a sneaky bitch.

The numbness has worn off and now we are here. It's not any easier. It hurts tremendously.

I often feel like others are probably tired of hearing about it. Talking about it. So I just try to mask it and not burden others. I know other people are dealing with other issues so I feel like a burden at times. I did not ask for this, but I have to endure this.

When all else fails. Turn to others who know what you are dealing with. Read and speak to others that might have even a clue as to what you are dealing with.

I love this interview:

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